Sunday, March 6, 2016

Napkin Idea No. 2- Rachel Mead

My name is Rachel Mead and I have been an active event planner for various organizations and businesses. I aspire to become a veterinarian and feel that starting this business will provide me with experience as well as new skills that can apply to my practice.
I am offering a program that allows students to log the amount of hours they study and get paid for it. This helps students maintain a balance between work and school and ultimately be more successful. I am offering this service to the students of the University of Florida and hope to expand. All of my customers will no longer struggle with trying to keep up with the rigorous demands of work and school.
Previous comments suggest that I need to stand out more apart from planners and find better means of payment and measuring how much students should get paid. My service will monitor the progress of students and base pay upon success in a class and compare test scores to previous results of other students from past semesters. The money would come from grants and fundraising. I would also like to look into incorporating this idea into scholarships that are given out already. I differ from a planner because I am only focused on studying, rather than everyday tasks.
What I have to offer is the ability to look at problems objectively and solve problems from different angles. I believe that my motivation and organization will really push this program into being successful.

I believe that all of these aspects will complement each other. I think these are learning experiences that I can take from and relate to many areas in my life. I think this will be a program that many students will take advantage of and I only wish that this could’ve been implemented sooner. I am excited to start forming this business so that I can make a difference in the lives of my peers. I think this would have a major impact on the community and produce more motivated members of society. 

Five main points I took away from the previous comments include being more inclined to actually start this business due to the positivity received. I also considered how I would get the money to pay students, how I would determine how much they should get paid, and what sets me apart from a planner. I also am more likely to start thinking of other ideas I would like to pursue and get opinions on those. I think this experience overall has helped me better understand some aspects I need to address in my career path and I will get more outside help and thoughts in the future.


  1. Hi Rachel,

    First off, I love the idea of this. Not only would it motivate students to study but it could help so much earning money this way while pursing a degree. The only thing I was unsure about is, as you mentioned, how students should get paid and where the money would come from. If you are able to tie all of these things together I think it would be a fantastic venture! Great post! :) You can check my blog out here if you're interested:

  2. I really liked reading your idea napkin. You worked really hard on explaining your idea and all the parts of the assignment. I also liked how you used the feedback to better your new idea napkin. You really took advantage of the feedback and helped your idea.

  3. I am sorry that I am not a huge fan of your idea. I believe that as students it is our "job" to get good grades and study hard and that its reward is being lead to jobs that will provide us the lifestyle we hope to earn. Your idea reminded me of my friends parents who paid their child $20 per A on their report cards in elementary school. I do not believe you should get rewarded with money for doing what you are supposed to do. Working a paying job as a full time student teaches time management skills that your program could not because it combines the two. Working paying jobs also teaches many other important life skills that one should have when applying to bigger job opportunities.

  4. I think the idea has potential and its a cool concept, but it should also offer things besides monetary compensation, maybe electronics items, etc. All in all its a solid idea that if implemented and does successfully could be a good alternative for college students without the means to obtain consumer goods or extra income by studying, something they would be doing anyways. If you'd like to read my blog post you can find it here:
