2) My keywords are "Rachel Mead", "entrepreneurship", and "ENT". The most consistent key words were "Rachel Mead" and the others were used for various posts. My keywords have stayed the same the entire semester, each were just used different amounts of times.
3) The only social media I used to enhance SEO was Youtube. I think that using this one platform kept things constant and helped me overall. I believe it was fairly receptive, as at least one video shows up on the first page.
4) My most viral post was the "Top 5 World Problems- Rachel Mead" post. I think the reason was that this was such a controversial and opinionated post. Not everyone agreed with each other's posts because we all have things that are more important to us than other things. I had a lot of defensive comments on this particular post and people didn't agree with what I thought were the five biggest issues.
5) When you type in "Rachel Mead ENT" or "Rachel Mead entrepreneurship" I come up on the first page. When typing in "Rachel Mead" alone, there are other Rachel Meads out there that showed up. I also saw a lot about "Richelle Mead" who is apparently the author of a famous book series. Overall, I'm pretty content with how my keywords worked out in order to optimize my SEO.

Hey Rachel! Congrats on finding your way onto the first page of Google! I think that you did a great job of optimizing your SEO and taking the steps neccesary to put yourself in a good position. Even though your name doesn't show up - it's likely just because it is very similar to someone famous! Feel free to check out my post here: http://ryandoescubing.blogspot.com/2016/04/google-gold.html