Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Short Interview No. 1- Rachel Mead

The entrepreneur I interviewed is Linda Benjamin. She is one of my best friend's mother and has worked for companies such as ONE Coconut Water and even started her own business, Paradise Pops. Linda is a great example of an entrepreneur because she meets the needs of the people in her area in a creative way while maintaining a business of her own. The three questions I asked were:

1) What are the challenges of being an entrepreneur?
2) What’s your favorite part about being an entrepreneur?

3) What makes Paradise Pops different from other companies and products?

These were her answers:

1) The challenges include creating a demand for what you are offering, finding repeat customers and filling a need in the market. These are challenging because they all require different time, effort and strategies and they all cost money. Cash flow impacts all businesses. Being an entrepreneur, these challengers fall on you. Your choices and decisions impact the bottom line.
2) Being an entrepreneur allows me to be my authentic self. Doing what I love and sharing it with others. It allows me to be creative and independent on my own terms. I can say 'yes' or 'no' according to my needs. It also allows me to meet people from all walks of life. This is important to me.
3) Paradise Pops offers unique flavors presented with a tropical twist. Our pops are appealing to people of all ages and enjoyed by all. On a hot Florida day nothing cools one down as well as an icy treat and Paradise Pops offers 100's of flavor combinations too. We have a retro pop cart that identifies our brand with our unique logo and allows for us to sell outside our storefront. We are easily available for purchase via retail, catering, delivery and monthly subscription. Our brand identity relates to anything tropical which influences our flavors, offerings and venues we are represented at. These are they ways we separate ourselves from our competitors.

After speaking with Mrs. Benjamin what I took away from the most was when she talked about how it can difficult to create a demand and how many details go into ensuring that demand is met. It puts into perspective how important your own choices are and helps me realize how each decision can impact the entirety of a company. I loved Mrs. Benjamin's insight and look forward to speaking with her again in the near future!

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