Friday, January 22, 2016

Week 3 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1.Something I was surprised with about this reading was that the author included that an entrepreneur should have a good sense of humor. I feel like this only applies to certain people and personalities. Someone could have a terrible sense of humor and still be a great entrepreneur.
2. I felt that the part that talked about entrepreneurs confrontation with risk was somewhat confusing because risk is something that is can be up to chance anyway and out of the person's control.
3. Two questions I would ask the author would be if there is a measurable way to calculate how risky a situation is. I would also ask how one limits unrealistic optimism.
4. Something I disagree with was when the author said entrepreneurs are not intimidated by difficult situations. I think that it's still possible to be intimated by a situation but that doesn't mean something good can result from it.

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