Thursday, February 11, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1- Rachel Mead

My name is Rachel Mead and I have been an active event planner for various organizations and businesses. I aspire to become a veterinarian and feel that starting this business will provide me with experience as well as new skills that can apply to my practice.
I am offering a program that allows students to log the amount of hours they study and get paid for it. This helps students maintain a balance between work and school and ultimately be more successful. I am offering this service to the students of the University of Florida and hope to expand. All of my customers will no longer struggle with trying to keep up with the rigorous demands of work and school.
What I have to offer is the ability to look at problems objectively and solve problems from different angles. I believe that my motivation and organization will really push this program into being successful.

I believe that all of these aspects will complement each other. I think these are learning experiences that I can take from and relate to many areas in my life. I think this will be a program that many students will take advantage of and I only wish that this could’ve been implemented sooner. I am excited to start forming this business so that I can make a difference in the lives of my peers. I think this would have a major impact on the community and produce more motivated members of society. 


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Base on reading you post, I see that you're trying to a managerial program to help people log hour and other miscellaneous things. The idea that you propose is great, but I see a couple of problems with the idea. First, it is essentially doing what a planner do, what make your program stand out? Next, what else can you add to this program to make it replace a planner. To conclude, your idea has potentials but it requires a little tweaking and additions, here is the link to my idea napkin, Check it out if you have time.

  2. I commend you on your career plans and business involvement history. Surely such experience will aid you not only in this course but also in your future business endeavors. As a fellow student I am a personal fan of your proposal. I think that with enough consideration and planning this could be a viable effort which might aid many students.
    Here’s a link to my post if you’re interested:

  3. Great job, Rachel! Your idea to have a company that helps to support students while they are studying to have the ability to support themselves is wonderful. As a student, I can agree that it can be very tough to achieve good grades while maintaining a drive. This idea will change the way students behave and further push them to succeed. I believe you are going to be successful in what ever you do and your awareness of the issue at hand as well as the solution further supports that. Once again, very good idea! If you would like you can check out my post here:

  4. Hi Rachel,
    I love animals; therefore, I really like your idea of becoming a veterinarian some day.I find it cool that you were part of an active event planner for various organizations.Having this background, will help you in a future because nowadays everything is business .People have to learn to organize and deal with people. This is the link to my blog
