Sunday, April 24, 2016

Final Reflection- Rachel Mead

       I think the most memorable experience was speaking to an entrepreneur. I enjoyed this the most because you get real, personal advice and I was able to see how realistic my ideas could be. It made me feel like I actually could pursue my ideas and turn them into a business because someone I know was able to do it. I was also proud that I interviewed so many people. It made me much more confident. My most joyous experience was planning out my exit strategy because it gave me a sense of completion as if I could have actually created a business successfully. 
       I definitely feel more like an entrepreneur now. I am much more likely to start developing new ideas and projects at work and have more confidence to project my visions. I have certainly moved closer to having an entrepreneurial mindset. 
       I would just recommend students to not hold back. We all have to go through this class together and are required to do the same work and assignments so to do the best you can. Also stay on top of work so that you don't fall short in a class that is actually giving you an experience and not just facts. If I were to take this class over again, I would set aside one day to just knock out all the assignments for a week or two. 
Image result for finish line

Week 15 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I loved that there was a story behind this reading. What stood out to me was the amount of effort put into loyal customers and the owner's ability to stand up to un-loyal customers and say no.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I actually thought this reading was very clear and I enjoyed that they used a personal story as an example. It was easier to follow along. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask if there are any businesses similar to the one described in America because I think a lot of people could benefit from a similar system. I would also ask if the author thinks the need for microfinancing will increase or decrease or just simply depend on the economy because if they help enough people, their business won't be as necessary anymore. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
There was not anything that I disagreed with. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2- Rachel Mead

I saw an opportunity to help students who need to make money while also maintaining high grades by paying them to study. This is when I came up with idea “Study Money”. My opportunity is targeted toward students who also need to work. What has created this environment includes the increasing competition to get into graduate schools and also the rising cost to apply and attend those programs. The geography for this market is mainly universities. The demographics will mostly be made up of students who need money as well as anyone who is qualified to be a part of our staff. Customers are currently struggling to keep their grades up and making money by sacrificing time to one or the other. Whichever is more of a priority to the individual will receive more attention while the other option suffers. Currently, there are no resources that I know of in which students can get around this so they are very loyal to this way of living. As of now, students have to sacrifice time to focus it all on school and working with little down time so they are dedicated to this system. I think this opportunity is definitely a game changer. I believe that at least 70% of the student population would try my program and 100% will benefit. Some students I have spoken to believe that studying is not something students should get paid for because is it a part of what we need to do for our education. However, I think if this business were available to them, it would do no harm and only help them. Ultimately, this opportunity will be open until a business such as mine is created. Until then, this opportunity will always be available.
            “Study Money” will be a service that provides students the opportunity to get paid for studying. Students will sign in to my facility and just begin studying. They will be paid $5 for every hour spent studying and an extra $10 for every A they earn on the exam or project they were studying for or working on. If students need to use computers, they will either use computers that we provide so that we can monitor the sites they go on or be on wifi with restrictions. Only sites related to school application will be allowed to ensure students aren’t taking advantage of our program. Only sites related to school application will be allowed. Not only are the students able to make money, but staff will be paid as well. Even one of our suppliers has offered to employ some of our most promising students or staff members in his workplace. This particular employer works at a bank and can provide future opportunities to students and staff in different areas of his business. This truly is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Venture Concept
            My innovation will solve the issue that students face to keep high grades and make money at the same time. Customers will be interested in this innovation because there are currently no other programs that offer both of these features. Customers won’t even need to switch to this program because it will be the first of its kind. Students will have no trouble using this program. There are no competitors at the moment, however we are prepared to face some in the future and have plans on how to succeed continuously with or without competitors. Competitors will have lack of originality and it will be hard to keep up with this business because we will constantly be improving our system and methods. The most defining feature of my business is the means for funding. Everything else will neatly come together. The funding will be supported by scholarships, grants, and investors. In order to organize this business to exceed expectations, we will focus on marketing, seeking investors, and allowing learning opportunities for employees. The venture will consist of the role of the student, staff, and funders. There is no need for distribution, as there will be a facility in which students can go to in order to participate in this service. We are confident we can combine these elements to create an effective business.
Resources, Future for the Venture, Future for Me
            My most important resource will be the demand of students who need high grades as well as money. This program meets two of the most important needs that students have. Competitors will have a hard time replicating my business because we will be the most original and are open to customer concerns and suggestions. We will get first hand feedback and be able to make any modifications necessary to ensure we are meeting the needs of students. To make this program more advanced, we would like to offer scholarship opportunities. I believe this will give students even more incentive and motivation. In five years, I think this program would drastically decrease the amount of local competition amongst students and allow easier access to the things they’re truly interested in. I see myself a much more insightful business owner and better prepared to face my other aspirations. I think this adventure would make me more knowledgeable in running my own veterinary practice one day.  In a decade, this business will provide me credibility that I am capable of running my own business and be innovative. I think this will help me be more objective and be better able to criticism and suggestions as well. It will be easier to recognize what makes a business more or less successful.
       The comments I received on the last venture concept were pretty supportive and encouraging. They gave me confidence that I could make this business happen as long as I stay organized and make sure I have proper funding. Some people even offered their own ideas on how to incorporate my business into existing ones! Overall, the comments were helpful.
Not much has changed from the last venture, I simply added a few more things that I thought would make my venture a little more specific. The comments didn't have any major suggestions other than the ideas mentioned above so the venture concept is pretty much the same. 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 14 Reading Reffection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
Something that stood out to me was the term intrapreneurship. I have never heard of this term before but like the concept. I think it is a great way to maximize creative potential. Involving all the perspectives a company is made up of I think will make a very successful business.  
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was confused trying to read the table "Sources of and Solutions to Obstacles in Corporate Venturing". Some of the terms just didn't make sense to me or I didn't understand a phrase such as "Control against plan".
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author how to know when your entrepreneurial journey is successful and also when to know when it's time to stop investing in an unsuccessful venture and try again. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I didn't necessarily agree that the table "Issued viewed by entrepreneurs/owners" was that important. Although the issues mentioned are in general topics that need attention, I feel like not many entrepreneurs need to focus on them in terms of their business. 

Google Gold- Rachel Mead

1) Through out this course, we have been trying to get our blogs out there and show up on the first google search page when entering certain keywords. In order to increase my chances of showing up on the first google page, I have added my first and last name to the end of every post title.

2) My keywords are "Rachel Mead", "entrepreneurship", and "ENT". The most consistent key words were "Rachel Mead" and the others were used for various posts. My keywords have stayed the same the entire semester, each were just used different amounts of times.

3) The only social media I used to enhance SEO was Youtube. I think that using this one platform kept things constant and helped me overall. I believe it was fairly receptive, as at least one video shows up on the first page.

4) My most viral post was the "Top 5 World Problems- Rachel Mead" post. I think the reason was that this was such a controversial and opinionated post. Not everyone agreed with each other's posts because we all have things that are more important to us than other things. I had a lot of defensive comments on this particular post and people didn't agree with what I thought were the five biggest issues.

5) When you type in "Rachel Mead ENT" or "Rachel Mead entrepreneurship" I come up on the first page. When typing in "Rachel Mead" alone, there are other Rachel Meads out there that showed up. I also saw a lot about "Richelle Mead" who is apparently the author of a famous book series. Overall, I'm pretty content with how my keywords worked out in order to optimize my SEO.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Very Short Interview, Part 2- Rachel Mead

Looking back at my original questions for Linda Benjamin, I asked pretty general questions that I could have asked any entrepreneur. However, miss Linda still gave very detailed and thought out responses. This time, I would like to ask more specific questions pertaining to her particular business. The questions I asked Linda are as follows:
1. If you were to change the location of your business (or add a new location) and place it anywhere in the world, where it would be and why?
2. If you chose to start another business, would it be similar or completely different than Paradise Pops and why? 
3. What businesses have inspired you and what qualities did they have that you've tried incorporating into Paradise Pops?

Here are miss Linda's responses:
1. We would add more location to beach communities that have a massive concentration of tourists. In particular, cruise ship passengers and hotel guests.
2. It would be similar as the food business is my passion. I enjoy sharing good food with people and pops make everyone smile.
3. My friend Amy owns a bakery and she inspired me. Her attention to style and detail are impeccable. She has a created a loyal following and her products are unique and delicious. I also admire Richard Branson. He is the billionaire who started the Virgin Companies. His sound approach to entrepreneurship and business are inspiring. His love for life has allowed him to touch many lives around the world. I hope this is helpful.

I was much more comfortable speaking to Linda Benjamin because I had gotten a response from her before so it made me less nervous waiting to hear back from this time. In the beginning, I wasn't exactly sure what types of questions to ask and I think my questions for the second interview were more thought out. I truly did not feel that she conveyed any sense that I had advanced in my entrepreneurship skills but I appreciate the time she took to answer the questions I had for her with sincere thought and detail.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 13 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I really liked that in this chapter, the author provided many examples of each topic he was addressing such as "Due Diligence Evaluation", "Checklist for Analyzing a Business", and "Methods for Venture Valuation". This helped make his points clear and organized. 
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I got confused when the author wrote about the discounted earnings method. I understood his explanation about why products lose value and therefore money, but I was unsure what the definition of the discounted earnings method was. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author if he believes there were any businesses in the past that have failed that would be more successful now. I'd also ask if he thinks there are current failed businesses that would be more successful in the future?
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I may not have understood the author but when he talks about avoiding start up costs, he states that even if you pay a higher price for your start up, it's still lesser than what you should be paying and I found that somewhat contradictory. 

Celebrating Failure- Rachel Mead

1. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of failures this past semester is Calculus 1. I mean I LITERALLY failed and had to drop the course. Despite attending office hours, earning extra credit, seeing a tutor every week, and using MANY online resources, I still could not pass this class.

2. I've learned that somehow, it will be okay. Although I have some pressure to complete my critical tracking requirements, my adviser gave me guidance and I have a plan.

3. In general, failure is hard. However, it's a part of life and a reality we all face. And if you're willing to accept that fact, it isn't the hardest thing we have to deal with. It can in fact, be one of the most beneficial things that happens. Not only am I better prepared to retake this course, but it's also helped me realize I really need to bring my game for other classes as well. As for this class, I think my risk taking skills are about the same, but I have definitely become more confident interviewing people and asking questions.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

My Exit Strategy- Rachel Mead

1. In the next five years, ideally I would like to sell my business.
2. Because I have other businesses I would like to run, my goal would be to create this business and make sure all the details are worked out so that I can ensure it will be successful under the supervision of someone else.
3. This decision has made fine tuning the program a priority so that it will stay in business. I know as a start up, it won't be perfect and there's a lot of planning and adjustments to be made but as soon as those are perfected, I think everything will flow smoothly for the future owners. I believe new management can be a good thing when the right choices are made so this program will under constant development. However, I will leave it stable so that we can continue to use the same resources and simply add more.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

What's Next- Rachel Mead

Existing Market

What I believe is next: I think the customers would like to have the option of at home tutors who monitor their progress in the comfort of their own home. Tutors who offer to participate will get paid extra.

Here are the interviews:

       In the future, I plan to add security to my system, make sure that students are getting paid enough so that it is beneficial to them, and include a log where students can set goals they would like to accomplish. These responses are exactly the type of feedback needed in order to grow and make this company successful. I think that if this service were available to everyone, after some adjustments with how we would obtain the money, students would have no reason not to be a part of this amazing opportunity.
       I truly believe that every student will benefit from this system and other businesses will receive more educated, time managed, and motivated workers. This system is a game changer and would affect the population on a large scale. I look forward to see what this business has in store for the future and what else we can accomplish.

New Market

I would try to sell my services to another business such as current tutoring businesses instead of just students.

I believe selling my service to another business will benefit both of parties and draw in more people. I also think that we would be able to build ideas off of each other and see what works and what doesn't in each company. For the most part, we would be able to exchange supplies for customers and referrals. We'd also give our students the option of working with some of these businesses.


       I think that this networking will help spread the word about my business as well as the others and it's great to have these connections. We will all be able to feed off of each other's customers, thus creating more revenue for both businesses. I think my program would give these people some great workers that will be more driven than some of the workers they obtain who do not use our program.
       Partnering with these businesses will ultimately help our students. They are our first priority so we want them to have the best opportunities possible. Our students will be set up for success by using our program as well as being involved with these other businesses. The businesses can also help by referring their customers to us. I believe that no one will disappointed whether they are a business owner or customer.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 12 Reading Reflection- Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I think that the SWOT analysis is a great way to look at your venture from all angles and allows us to be objective when trying to create a successful business. I also can sympathize when he writes about lack of strategic planning. Planning is essential in every business but some factors do make it more difficult. 
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I found the first diagram of this chapter confusing. It wasn't very organized and didn't flow well. I wasn't able to follow what the author was trying to get across with this picture. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author if anyone has studied which states have the best demographics for technological demand and also how many people you should share your idea with and are necessary to every business. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
There was not anything I thought the author was wrong about. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Venture Concept No. 1

I saw an opportunity to help students who need to make money while also maintaining high grades by paying them to study. This is when I came up with idea “Study Money”. My opportunity is targeted toward students who also need to work. What has created this environment includes the increasing competition to get into graduate schools and also the rising cost to apply and attend those programs. The geography for this market is mainly universities. The demographics will mostly be made up of students who need money as well as anyone who is qualified to be a part of our staff. Customers are currently struggling to keep their grades up and making money by sacrificing time to one or the other. Whichever is more of a priority to the individual will receive more attention while the other option suffers. Currently, there are no resources that I know of in which students can get around this so they are very loyal to this way of living. As of now, students have to sacrifice time to focus it all on school and working with little down time so they are dedicated to this system. I think this opportunity is definitely a game changer. I believe that at least 70% of the student population would try my program and 100% will benefit. Some students I have spoken to believe that studying is not something students should get paid for because is it a part of what we need to do for our education. However, I think if this business were available to them, it would do no harm and only help them. Ultimately, this opportunity will be open until a business such as mine is created. Until then, this opportunity will always be available.
            “Study Money” will be a service that provides students the opportunity to get paid for studying. Students will sign in to my facility and just begin studying. They will be paid $5 for every hour spent studying and an extra $10 for every A they earn on the exam or project they were studying for or working on. If students need to use computers, they will either use computers that we provide so that we can monitor the sites they go on or be on wifi with restrictions. Only sites related to school application will be allowed to ensure students aren’t taking advantage of our program. Only sites related to school application will be allowed. Not only are the students able to make money, but staff will be paid as well. Even one of our suppliers has offered to employ some of our most promising students or staff members in his workplace. This particular employer works at a bank and can provide future opportunities to students and staff in different areas of his business. This truly is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Venture Concept
            My innovation will solve the issue that students face to keep high grades and make money at the same time. Customers will be interested in this innovation because there are currently no other programs that offer both of these features. Customers won’t even need to switch to this program because it will be the first of its kind. Students will have no trouble using this program. There are no competitors at the moment, however we are prepared to face some in the future and have plans on how to succeed continuously with or without competitors. Competitors will have lack of originality and it will be hard to keep up with this business because we will constantly be improving our system and methods. The most defining feature of my business is the means for funding. Everything else will neatly come together. The funding will be supported by scholarships, grants, and investors. In order to organize this business to exceed expectations, we will focus on marketing, seeking investors, and allowing learning opportunities for employees. The venture will consist of the role of the student, staff, and funders. We are confident we can combine these elements to create an effective business.
Resources, Future for the Venture, Future for Me
            My most important resource will be the demand of students who need high grades as well as money. This program meets two of the most important needs that students have. Competitors will have a hard time replicating my business because we will be the most original and are open to customer concerns and suggestions. We will get first hand feedback and be able to make any modifications necessary to ensure we are meeting the needs of students. To make this program more advanced, we would like to offer scholarship opportunities. I believe this will give students even more incentive and motivation. In five years, I think this program would drastically decrease the amount of local competition amongst students and allow easier access to the things they’re truly interested in. I see myself a much more insightful business owner and better prepared to face my other aspirations. I think this adventure would make me more knowledgeable in running my own veterinary practice one day.  In a decade, this business will provide me credibility that I am capable of running my own business and be innovative. I think this will help me be more objective and be better able to criticism and suggestions as well. It will be easier to recognize what makes a business more or less successful.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My Unfair Advantage- Rachel Mead

10 Resources: valuable, inimitable, rare, non-substitutable

1. Demand-
The two things students need most is good grades and money and there isn't anything else that meets those needs together. This service can provide both of things to our customers which makes it valuable. I have not heard of a service like this one which is why it is rare and non-substitutable.

2. Customers- Our customers are valuable because they are our number one priority. Our customers will all be students who need money which makes them inimitable and non-substitutable to this service. Although the student population isn't rare, our target population is different than most services because most only offer money to students without offering good grades as well.

3. Customer Service- Again, our customers are our main priority so it's important for us to cater to their needs which is why our customer service is valuable, non-substitutable, and inimitable. It is not rare because we will hold ourselves to the best standards as other businesses have.

4. Employment Security- We offer both our customers and staff with jobs which is what makes our Employment Security valuable, inimitable, rare, and non-substitutable.

5. Business Opportunity- Our customers will have the chance to work with some of our select suppliers if they choose. I can't name one business that does this so I would say our business opportunities are all valuable, inimitable, rare, and non-substitutable.

6. Succession Planning- Our service helps students with time management by making it easier to earn money and earn good grades. I believe this leads to future success especially if customers take advantage of working with some of our suppliers. This makes our Succession Planning valuable, inimitable, rare, and non-substitutable.

7. Staff- Our faculty is great because of our mission to serve the customer over everything else. They are very reliable and most will have been involved with education previously. Our faculty is rare and inimitable because our entire business is rare so they are participating in something new. They are valuable because of the amount of organization and documentation we have to handle. As far as staff being non-substitutable, we are always open to welcoming new staff and teaching them how to be a part of our program.

8. System Development- We will always be working on ways to expand our program and resources so that we can meet the needs of our customers. This will help us stay above the competition (that we will have created). This makes us valuable, inimitable, rare, and non-substitutable.

9. Organizational Integration- We will spend a lot of time organizing and making sure no one's information gets mixed up. We want our students to be able to trust us and we want to show them we can responsible with their information. This is what makes us valuable and rare. Again, because of what this service entails, it will be hard for other companies to copy or replace the systems we will use.

10. Document Management- Again, similar to the last resource, we will be taking care of a lot of documents so we want to keep everything confidential. For the reasons stated in the previous resource, our document management will constantly be up to date and taken care of which makes it valuable, inimitable, rare, and non-substitutable.

I believe my top resource is "Demand" because the majority of people I interviewed have said they would love to be paid for studying and how much it would benefit them. I think this program, if executed properly, would continue to be successful because we will always have students who need money and to study.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week 10 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I really appreciated that the author pointed out how technical it can be to start a business in regards to money, property, and resources. There's a lot of detail to pay attention to when starting a business.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was somewhat confused on a few of the charts. They looked like just a bunch of numbers to me and it was hard to identify the different components and variables. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author if there's a standard range to be in with a cash flow budget and how much one should spend on advertising and resources and how much they should leave set aside as a cushion. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
There wasn't anything significant I thought the author was wrong about other than his use of the word "assumption". When I think of the word, it tends to have a bad connotation and he uses it to explain that entrepreneurs assume where their money comes from and bases validity on the assumed moneys. This just sounds a little contradictory although I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. 

Growing My Social Capital- Rachel Mead

I chose to speak with Brett Watson as my domain expert. He is a pastor and teacher with two siblings who are also involved with education. He happens to be my Uncle as well so it was easy to get a hold of him over the phone. He recently decided to go back to school while staying involved with his work at the church so he knows the difficulty my customers are facing. The favor he has given me is support, guidance and confidence. In return, I try my best to follow his advice. Brett Watson would be an important component to my company because he knows how the educational system works and will be able to help me identify the steps I need to take to make my idea reality.

Justin Valletta is the market expert I spoke to. He is a tutor at UF. I spoke to Justin during one of our tutoring sessions. He provides with me with help in Calculus and in exchange, he gets practice teaching others. Justin would be a great person to include in my business because he agrees that students should get paid to study and related my idea to some graduate programs that pay you to attend school. He would be able to provide me with more insight on the day-to-day process of running my business since he is involved with one that is similar.

The supplier would be Thomas Tahmosh. Thomas Tahmosh is a mortgage loan officer and manages his own company. He is my step father so I just had to speak with him over the phone. Thomas would provide me with the funds and in return, he will be more likely to receive workers from my business who are more self motivated and driven to get things done under his supervision. Thomas will the driving force behind my business be the person helping me fund the organization so that I can pay students.

Although I think this assignment is helpful in recognizing that networking is essential to almost every business, it isn't much different than what I do and have done in the past already. I am constantly networking every day with many different people with various needs through school, work, and clubs.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3- Rachel Mead

The comments I received on my last pitch were all very positive. I did not come across any comments I believed were wrong or not useful. I think the feedback was all important and encouraging, giving me confidence that I could actually start this business. I still added more information in this pitch on how I would obtain the funds to pay for the students using my program. I hope that this pitch is even more direct and gets my message across.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce- Rachel Mead

Five characteristics that I am proud of include my vision and ability to recognize that every decision I make ultimately affects my future. I also believe that I have a strong work ethic. I am able to face adversity and learn from it as well. Another attribute I believe I hold is my passion for various aspects that I am committed to. Lastly, I think I have a good sense of balance when it comes to my social life, family, friends, work, and school. I am interested to see what the five closest people have to say and whether they agree or not. 
I chose to speak to my mom, my three best friends, Cristal, Shail, and Matt, and my boyfriend David. My mom had the most to say because we have known each other the longest. I think she is the person who knows my aspirations in details and has seen the steps I've taken to achieve them. I really appreciate that she acknowledged my ability to be there for others without compromises my needs as well. Her and I have very similar views in general so I think her opinion matched mine and I was very happy to hear how proud she is of me and glad to have her support. Matt recognized my passion for animals and touched out my outgoing "care free" personality. I think this is something that I tend to forget just because I really do try to "go with the flow".  Shail also said that I'm caring and have a unique passion for animals. I don't necessarily try to be caring and it sort of comes naturally. David also believes I am compassionate person and I definitely try to demonstrate that attribute toward  him so it's nice to know he sees it. He also understands my love for animals and is very supportive. Cristal and I had similar things to say about each other. It's nice that we both have an appreciation for each other and can both be there for each other. We both see each other as sisters. 

I think their views are similar to mine however they see a lot more than I do. I think most of the interviews touched on my dedication for my passion for my work involving animals which I do tend to focus on. I try my best to be the things that they say but don't always feel like I accomplish that so its nice to know they feel that way. I wouldn't necessarily make any corrections and I'm flattered by what my friends and family had to say.

Week 9 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
The first thing that really stood out to me was that primary and secondary data could be expensive. I was surprised that doing research on a company would even cost any money because I wouldn't expect that tools or resources would need to be bought and the researcher would simply just need to look through papers. 
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
None of this reading was really confusing. I think the author did a good job in this chapter. However, once again, I wish he would explain a little more in detail the vocabulary terms he uses. Other than that, this chapter was very straight forward. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author why he thinks certain survey research techniques are more advantageous than others and also if he thinks these statistics will change in the next few years.
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
There wasn't much I thought the author was wrong about other than the emphasis on the amount of money it takes to research previous data about a company. I feel that if you're working for that company already, that information should be readily available to you because you're the one trying to make that company better. This information shouldn't be too hard to find. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Napkin Idea No. 2- Rachel Mead

My name is Rachel Mead and I have been an active event planner for various organizations and businesses. I aspire to become a veterinarian and feel that starting this business will provide me with experience as well as new skills that can apply to my practice.
I am offering a program that allows students to log the amount of hours they study and get paid for it. This helps students maintain a balance between work and school and ultimately be more successful. I am offering this service to the students of the University of Florida and hope to expand. All of my customers will no longer struggle with trying to keep up with the rigorous demands of work and school.
Previous comments suggest that I need to stand out more apart from planners and find better means of payment and measuring how much students should get paid. My service will monitor the progress of students and base pay upon success in a class and compare test scores to previous results of other students from past semesters. The money would come from grants and fundraising. I would also like to look into incorporating this idea into scholarships that are given out already. I differ from a planner because I am only focused on studying, rather than everyday tasks.
What I have to offer is the ability to look at problems objectively and solve problems from different angles. I believe that my motivation and organization will really push this program into being successful.

I believe that all of these aspects will complement each other. I think these are learning experiences that I can take from and relate to many areas in my life. I think this will be a program that many students will take advantage of and I only wish that this could’ve been implemented sooner. I am excited to start forming this business so that I can make a difference in the lives of my peers. I think this would have a major impact on the community and produce more motivated members of society. 

Five main points I took away from the previous comments include being more inclined to actually start this business due to the positivity received. I also considered how I would get the money to pay students, how I would determine how much they should get paid, and what sets me apart from a planner. I also am more likely to start thinking of other ideas I would like to pursue and get opinions on those. I think this experience overall has helped me better understand some aspects I need to address in my career path and I will get more outside help and thoughts in the future.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Twenty Percent- Rachel Mead

I interviewed Trevor Bliss. He asked to not be recorded but here is the transcript of his interview:

Could you please provide a brief description of your business?
Consilario Scholastic Consulting Services aims to provide high school students with the necessary guidance to get in to colleges that are the best fit for their interests and abilities.  With typical school counselor caseloads at averages over 400 to 1, private consulting for college guidance is almost necessary to ensure a student's best chances for college admittance.  Consilario guides and monitors all of the necessary components to be admitted into first choice colleges such as volunteerism, academics, testing, applications, essays and scholarships.

Who are your target customers?
Target customers are families from middle and upper socioeconomic demographics with children in high school.  These families know little about the college admittance process or do not have the time to monitor and ensure best practices for meeting college entrance criteria.

What are your customers unmet needs?
Customers' unmet needs are the knowledge of the colleges and their admissions processes; the tracking of volunteer hours and placement in activities that demonstrate leadership and passion; connections to various services for tutoring and test preparation; advice on best high school courses of study in order to gain college admission.

Where do you find your customers?
Customers are found by word of mouth.  Advertising will take place at middle school functions where parents are beliguired by high school choice and future plans for their children.  Social media and a website will also help funnel clientelle to the business.

What are your customer's demographics?
Customers are primarily affluent members of the county who have moved into the area after completing their schooling.  They know little about the educational offerings of the area but value education and are willing to pay money for a better educational service than what is offered at their child's school.

I then interviewed three target customers and asked them who they thought his twenty percent came from. Their responses matched Trevor's because his business directly works with families who are interested in gaining help from an adviser who aids them in helping their child through the college application process.

Week 8 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I was unaware that there were other places besides banks that are able to loan money. I really liked the diagram the author included describing the various types of lenders and each of their details.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I was a little confused about debt-financing and what it is. To me, the word debt just sounds bad so I was unsure how debt-financing works because it doesn't sound beneficial.
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author what types of businesses ask which types of lenders for money and I would also ask if certain lenders are more likely to support one type of business over another.
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I disagreed with the author when he spoke about the myths on Venture Capitalists. He says it's untrue that they want control of the business but that they do want to be consulted with major decisions and that they expect unreasonably high returns on investments. I felt this was somewhat contradictory and even though they may not want to have complete control, it sounds like they want the power and authority and maybe some of the credit as well. 

Half-Way Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) Tenaciousness is a skill. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? 
I have been keeping up with this class by doing assignments in bulk since they are usually short. The amount of time spent doing a certain amount of assignments is equivalent to the time spent studying for other classes.
2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
I think the most frustrating part for me has been recording my assignments. This is different from other classes and does make some of the work much harder and requires a significant amount of effort. This is also a good thing though and has taught me to plan ahead. I think this class has definitely encouraged me to be more tenacious and it helps that my grade (which is determined by myself) depends on the work I truthfully complete. 
3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?
I would tell next semester's students to work ahead especially when recordings are needed. In order to develop a tenacious mindset I would recommend reflecting more often, possibly every other weekend, to stay focused. Another tip I would offer is to take advantage of the extra credit ahead of time just in case you can't complete an assignment.  

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1)    What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
I like that this article focused on advertising and how the connection a product makes is more important than its functions. When I come up with an idea, I’m very excited about what it can do and offer but need to keep in mind what it can mean for the customer.
2)    Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I didn’t feel like the author really explained what segmentation was. This term popped up throughout the entire reading and I never really got an idea of what it actually meant.
3)    If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would ask the author if he thinks that products are now harder to advertise because of the extensive technology we have incorporated into products, thus raising people’s expectations. I would also ask how he thinks a larger majority of people can be targeted so that a product can relate to most individuals instead of a certain population.
4)    Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?

The only thing I disagreed with was the importance of senior opinions. Although I do think they have some say in whether a not a product should be changed, I think most of them understand and have experienced that times change and evolve and it’s good to have young minds working to appeal to the larger population. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 2

The feedback on my last pitch was pretty positive. Some of the comments included questions about how I would obtain the money to pay students for studying and how I would monitor their studying. 

Overall, the comments seemed to support my idea and confirmed that this program would motivate more people to study and it would be nice to have a reward for hours of hard work. 

As for this assignment, there were not any comments I thought were wrong. The only thing I could really say I was surprised about were that one of the comments (still positive) had various suggestions and questions that showed me the idea needs more planning and attention in certain areas.

 In this pitch, I described more how I would obtain money for this program and how students would be monitored while they study. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 3

I simply asked what each person thought of my idea "Study Money" after explaining it to them. This was the first time I got negative feedback so I was pretty surprised. I was actually asked questions that were hard to answer so I learned I would still have to make my idea more detailed. I really like that I did get negative feedback though because I felt it was very honest and raised questions that did need attention.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Week 6 Reading Reflection- Rachel Mead

1) What was the biggest surprise for you in the reading? In other words, what did you read that stood out the most as different from your expectations? 
One thing that stood out to me was when the author mentioned that a new product has to basically replace another product and essentially be better. I think this is actually very motivating for both parties to ensure that they are they are the best product out there.
2) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I felt that overall the article was much more confusing than the text book. I wasn't sure what the author meant by "substitutes" because the examples he gave were major, front running companies. I think the author could've done a better job at explaining different terms and differentiating between the various aspects he mentions. 
3) If you were able to ask two questions to the author, what would you ask? Why?
I would like to ask the author how to persuade distributors to accept a product and also how often a business should try to change their structure and methods. 
4) Was there anything you think the author was wrong about? Where do you disagree with what she or he said? How?
I think that the author was wrong in the last paragraph of his article in saying that the economy would be better as a whole if more companies looked at competition in a different way. I think the industries would just become more aggressive and strategic for their own benefit and ultimately end up making the economy worse.